Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Selling out

Yesterday I sold out. Mystic was overpowered by instinct. I rationalized it by considering that there are at least fifteen to twenty-five years before all hell breaks loose and I'd rather keep my bank account in green mode for a little while longer while treading through this little brainwashed life. Was it the right decision? Who can say, but the future?

Lesson four: No matter what roadblocks I may meet on any given day, I know that in the end it will be okay. It pretty much always is.

Lesson five: A karma check every once in a while is nice, though.

Also, I recently had some artistic inspiration and feel inclined to share it. Before I sold out, I had this grand idea to travel across the country, collecting more knowledge and perhaps also inspiration for a novel. While that may not happen very soon, it could certainly still happen. Here is the rough sketch of a scene I envisioned:

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