Saturday, September 17, 2016

Humility much?

I wrote this trying to describe entropy. Turns out I didn't need to describe entropy, but I thought it was too good to just delete:

Over time, history fills space, implying a chronological ‘arrow’. As more of space is occupied by the past, the present becomes an increasingly complex fraction of the whole, manifesting on our level like the next iteration of a Koch snowflake.

Also I defined a new word last week:

Oncolosis (n): Continuous cell division

We usually call discordant oncolosis "cancer", which is initiated when a protooncogene acquires a mutation that forces the cell into replication mode.

I defined it this way because I believe that concordant oncolosis can also exist based on some of my more recent research for this paper I'm working on.

Sure, it's only tangentially related to the actual thesis, but here is some potential published evidence anyway:

Am J Chin Med. 2000;28(1):3-8.

Seeds induced to germinate rapidly by mentally projected 'qi energy' are apparently genetically altered.

Bullshit-free link to free fulltext article:

The authors don't interpret it this way, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but what else could be happening? (Please do comment if you have something meaningful to add to this)

Later, dweeb (thanks for reading).

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