Saturday, May 6, 2017

Life in the material world

I recently posted a quote to Facebook from Manly P. Hall:
The learned man controls the stars; the ignorant man is controlled by them.
Believing myself to be well on the way to enlightenment, I ignored astrology -- one of the four great mathematical sciences -- and was, indeed, controlled by the stars.

Luckily for me, the decision that I made has the potential to be good, however it also has the potential to lead me into a whirlpool of despair. We'll see what happens.

Mission Statement:
To grow as a human being and denizen of Earth, providing help to others and living within my means.

[Doesn't look good on a job application]

It would be really nice if people that judged you had the gall to send you an e-mail and say so. A phone call appears to be too much to ask in the land of materialism. Then again, I didn't really want to talk.

I have learned that it does pay to complain sometimes, but it's much better to take action.

People do share real connections sometimes. Cherish those times.

I wonder some times where the boundary is between too much and not enough.

Maybe humans are inherently unclean.

If babies are unclean, dunking them in church water probably doesn't help any.

The winding road to wisdom is more bountiful than the path of least resistance.

Maybe God was into eugenics.