Thursday, February 16, 2017

The New Age

All too often, trying to be a 'good' human being gives me flashbacks to the day in high school that I found a $20 bill in the hallway, handed it to one of my football coaches and asked if he could do anything, only to watch him pocket the twenty and walk away.

Or the many days spent trying to convince locals to get serious about the political process in efforts to avoid or at least lessen the negative impact of the impending doomsday.

Or the more recent day that I tried to bring a passionate geology major to the local quarry, only to be accused of sexual harassment and detained from award of my Masters degree.

Similarly, being one of the few teaching assistants in my University's chemistry department actually passionate about teaching the undergraduates chemistry and using our rare and valuable knowledge to change the world for the better, only to be taken off the payroll for a month and subsequently told that I would not be needed the following semester.

These are but a few examples of struggles endured by the Indigo Children.

At this point, it is easy to say, "Fuck it", and give up trying to be useful to the world.

But we do enjoy a healthy challenge.

To you, Indigo Child, my message is this: Persevere. If you must recluse (as a verb), better yourself in the process. One day, we shall inherit the Earth once again, and at that point it would be a huge shame if we just allowed the cycle continue as it has. Prophecy suggests that the time for good to overcome evil is nigh.

To you, layman that somehow came across this blog post, my message is this: Join us. You have been lied to by many people (perhaps even including me), and the truth may be closer than you think. Open your eyes (specifically the one in the center of your brain)! Question everything! Think critically! Our powers as higher and more able forms of many trillions of cells in synchrony are greater than either you or I know.

No matter how large you are, the world is larger.

No matter how small you are, consciousness is without bound.

No matter your struggle, chances are someone else endures worse.

No matter how bad things may seem, there is plenty of good to dwell on instead.

That all being said, here is a link to my most recent song, written in hopes that it will find the right people and either tickle their intellect or initiate their journey of discovery:

(And it's available for high-quality download here:!)
Perhaps my next post will be on the lyrics. Until then, try to interpret them if you find yourself with nothing else constructive to do.

I also recently put out an update of a project that I have been working on. The link below would be a constructive read as well:

Biochemistry of Healing

There is a slide on multiple-stranded DNA in case you were wondering how that project is going. Maybe it will be finished sometime.

I'll see you on the other side, if not before.

Peace, love, and music.